According to, over five billion people use the internet. Some business owners opt for self-hosting to reach this broad base of clients. Self-hosting is where a person runs their app or website, including setting up the server and networking. They are also responsible for maintenance tasks.

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What are the pros and cons of self-hosting?

Pros of Self-Hosting


According to the narrator in the video, one of the benefits of self-hosting over external server host services is privacy. The person self-hosting isn’t at the mercy of anyone else or sharing a platform with other people, which boosts privacy.

Endless Customization Possibilities

Another benefit of self-hosting is endless customization possibilities. The server owner can host anything and customize hosted items to their liking.

Cons of Self-Hosting


Self-hosting requires a certain amount of experience, meaning not just anyone can do it. It can be overwhelming, especially if the person is hosting several websites.


When a person is self-hosting and there is a power outage, their server is down, meaning they can’t access what’s on their server. This warrants investing in massive batteries or a generator for backup, which can be expensive.


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