What Are the Pros and Cons of Hosting Yourself?

According to statista.com, over five billion people use the internet. Some business owners opt for self-hosting to reach this broad base of clients. Self-hosting is where a person runs their app or website, including setting up the server and networking. They are also responsible for maintenance tasks. Video Source What are the pros and cons […]

Types of Security Cameras

Are you looking for surveillance solutions? There are two main categories of cameras for home security: indoor and outdoor. Within these categories are several subcategories of security cameras, including wired and wireless, battery-powered and AC-powered, and floodlight cameras and doorbell cameras. The primary difference between indoor and outdoor cameras is that outdoor cameras are weather-resistant […]

Process of Making a Custom Engagement Ring

Are you looking for a custom engagement ring and are wondering what the process is like? Look no further, this video breakdowns how custom jewelry is made. The very first phase of the custom engagement ring process is meeting with the client (or clients) to discuss the overall style they’re after. Whether you’re planning to […]

Types of Cloud Computing

As you will see in this video, there are different types of cloud computing services. It is important to be able to recognize the different types. Well, there are 3 types of cloud computing: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). The first type is Infrastructure […]

Host Your Own Minecraft Server in 1.18

With the recent release of the 1.18 version of Minecraft, you may be looking forward to hopping into a brand new server and starting a fresh world. As such, you’ll need to know the most up to date information on setting up your own server so that you can get started on the version. Purchasing […]

A List of The Best Minecraft Servers

In this video, you will learn about minecraft server hosting services. There are a lot of minefraft hosting server companies. Different companies offer different amenities. Video Source Depending on what you are looking for, it is a good idea to look into what each company offers so you choose the right one. GameTeam is the […]

Principles for better Web Design

Are you the owner of a company? In this new day and age, what you’ll find is that your web presence is so important. One thing this incorporates is your website and the way it looks. You can easily hire someone to make you a very basic website that will get the job done, but […]

Call Center Info

In this video, you will learn about a call center service provider. We have all called into call centers, but it is important you know what they include. This video shows you the ins and outs of call center service providers. Did you know that outsourcing is routinely used by companies to bring products and […]